

Event Dates


2023年 2月5日【日】
OPEN15:30 START 16:00








Ricky Q Shiva
Anushka Nilanjani Ekanayake
Supriya Pal Dutta


MIYABI カタックダンスアカデミー




公益財団法人 日印協会
NPO法人 日印交流を盛り上げる会
DIC ディスカバーインディアクラブ




Video distribution

配信期間:2023/2/10(金) 〜 3/5(日)

Pt.Birju Maharaj

Padma Vibhushan Pandit Birju Maharaj



1938年に宮廷舞踊一家に生まれる。激動の時代に、天賦の才能で一世を風靡し、斬新で革新的なアイディアを取り入れてカタックダンスを舞台芸術として開花させた。28歳でサンギート・ナターク・アカデミー賞を、48歳で政府よりパドマ・ヴィブーシャン(勲二等)を受賞、享年に至るまで数多くの舞台に精力的に出演し、その生涯をカタックダンスに捧げた。インド映画の大作「Devdas」、「Bajrao Mastani」を始め、数々のインド映画に楽曲を提供、高い芸術性が絶賛された。



Masako Sato


フラメンコ等を経て1995年に渡印。翌年カタック・ケーンドラに入学。ビルジュ―・マハーラージの長男、ジャイキシャン・マハーラージに師事。1997年よりビルジュー・マハーラージに直接師事。1999年よりインド政府国費奨学生として、ビルジュー・マハーラージが創設した芸術学校カラーシュラムにて研鑽を積む。舞踊団団員として数多くの公演に参加し、「ロミオとジュリエット(Romeo and Juliet)」では乳母役に抜擢され好評を得た(最終学歴PgDip)。2005年に帰国。翌年、MIYABIカタックダンスアカデミーを設立して以降、後進の指導に情熱を注ぐ。国内での公演活動の他、上海万博、パリ公演など、海外でも精力的に活動を行う。新宿芸術家協会会員。

Masako Satou started to learn Kathak Dance in 1995 from shmt. Malti Shyam, before, She has learnt Flamenco and Russian ballet for several years in Japan. After inspiring Kathak Mahotsav in India, she joined National Institute of Kathak Dance in 1996, and learned lucknow style of Kathak dance from Shmt.Malti Shyam and Pt. Jaikishan Maharaj, later from Padmavibushan Pt. Birju Maharaj in 1997. For her dedication towards the art, she was awarded an ICCR scholarship between 1999 and 2003 to learn Kathak dance under the guidance of Padmavibushan Pt.Birju Maharaj at Kalashram. She mastered Kathak Specialization course in 2004 academic year, finished stage presentation course in 2005.

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She has participated in the many of the dance work choreographed by Pt. Birju Maharaj i.e. Vasantotsav, Kajuraho Festival, Annanya and so on. She got highly appreciation from the audience and media on her stage presense in the Kathak Ballet “Romeo & Juliet” choreographed by Vidushi Saswati Sen, in Delhi, Kolkata, Pune and Mumbai in 2003-2004.
She has given a number of solo and group performance in India and Japan, including “Shinwa ~the Japanese mythology~” at Siri Fort Auditrium, New Delhi, on the occation of India-Japan The 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations, organized by Japan Foundation and embassy of Japan in 2002.
Back to Japan in 2005, she started her kathak school; MIYABI KATHAK DANCE ACADEMY in Tokyo, she opened her own dance studio at Kojimachi in 2008, teaches Kalka-Bindadin gharana, Luckhnow style ofkathak, to Japanese, Indian and international students.
She was invited to Handia Festival in 2011, Maharaj ji’s US tour in 2016, solo program at International Shiva Festival in India in 2017 organized by government of India. She got standhing ovation from Indian audience in culture program organized by JICA ALUMINI ASSOCIATION of INDIA at Japan Foundation in New Delhi in 2019.
In 2020,she showed her group choreography of kathak for ‘Vasdhaiva Kutumbakam’ online kathak dance festival organized by Kalashram, well received by audience from all over the world.
She has performed in India, Japan, Mauritius, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China(Shanghai EXPO), France, Taiwan and USA. She is currently a member of Shinjuku Artist Society.

Yumiko Ishii

Yumiko Ishii

2016年に、国際交流基金ニューデリー日本文化センターの主催事業「Kala Saanjh」で、芥川賞作家・多和田葉子と共演し、翌2017、2018年には、同基金事業で日本舞踊グループ「五耀會」と、インドの古典舞踊・音楽家の共同制作の橋渡し役を務める。
https://kathak-diary.theblog.me https://www.instagram.com/a_zadi
(Updates on the website unavailable since 2021 due to technical issue- please follow Instagram ☺)

Kathak lover. Disciple of the late Pt. Birju Maharaj and Saswati Sen. As a student of the Kalashram school of dance, founded by Pt. Birju Maharaj, Yumiko performed at numerous festivals in northern India for four years. Her initial training started with Masako Sato in Tokyo in 2005, succeeded by Malti Shyam in Delhi, and Urja Thakore in London.
Yumiko, in association with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, collaborated with Japanese award-winning writer Yoko Tawada in Delhi, at an event titled Kala Saanjh (Evening of Arts) in 2016, and supported the renowned Japanese traditional dance group, Goyokai, with their tour of Delhi and collaborative productions with local Kathak dancers in 2017 and 2018.

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Since 2018, she has joined various community activities through kathak including leading workshops at a preschool in Tokyo and at a school in San Francisco, and performing at the New York Kathak Festival.
She holds BA in Urdu from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and MA in South Asian Area Studies (Indian Classical Music major) from SOAS, University of London.

Ricky Q Shiva

Ricky (Chan,Yu-Kuo)
Ricky Q Shiva

長年にわたり印度ニューデリーにてGuru Birju Maharaj およびSaswati Senにカタックを学んでいる台湾で著名な印度舞踏家。

主催するシバ・ダンススタジオでは生徒の育成に力を入れており、台湾各地の大学や舞台等でワークショップや大型公演を精力的に展開しているほか、印度各地や日本等海外での公演も多数おこなっている。 伝統に沿ったリズムと旋律と舞踏の融合を図りつつもエンターテイメント性に富んだ公演は台湾のみならず印度でも非常に高い評価を得ている。

Prosperous Kathak exponent in Taiwan.
He started to study Kathak dance under the guidance of Pt.Birju Maharaj and Saswati Sen at Kalashram, New Delhi. As the disciple of “the living legend” Guru Pt. Birju Maharaj, in Taiwan, he has been doing brilliant and exclusive contribution of introducing Indian culture to his homeland.
For developing the Indian art deeply into Taiwanese, he founded "Shiva Indian Dance Troupe" since 2005. He worked hard on training and educating his students, and organised "Tarana Live" since 2008 with a band of outstanding musicians.

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He gave lectures and demonstrations in universities, attended countless programs across the whole Taiwan and overseas, doing his best to promote Indian classical art.
Holding Biennial program with “Shiva Indian Dance Group ” , he presents not only Indian traditional arts but also entertaining rhythm, music, dance which always wins a highly praised and captivating the entire of marked events in Taiwan.

Anushka Nilanjani Ekanayake

Anushka Nilanjani Ekanayake

スリランカ出身。4歳からカタックを始める。ICCR奨学生としてインドのUP 州ラクナウに留学。故マハーラージ師の弟子、故アルジュン・ミシュラに師事。ラクナウ派のカタックダンスを優秀な成績で修め、母国にて活躍した。

Anushka Nilanjani Ekanayake is a renowned Kathak dancer and a media personality in Sri Lanka who recently has settled in Japan. She is an alumna of reputed institute, Bhathkande Music University, Lucknow, India, where she completed her first degree and masters in performing arts (kathak) with flying colors as a scholar of Indian council for Cultural Relationships (ICCR). She owns the title “Nrtitya Nipun” in kathak which considers one of the highest qualifications in the field. She also has excelled in vocal music and titled “Visharad” in music.

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Anushka received her intensive kathak training from late Pt. Arjun Mishra a veteran kathak dancer of Lucknow Gharana and one of the foremost disciples of late Pt. Biraju Maharaj under the “Guru – Shisya” tradition. Her dedication towards learning and practice paved her way to many prestigious national and international platforms for performances. After returning to Sri Lanka she established “Anushka kathak Dance Academy” and trained many students for kathak exams and performances. She was the producer and the director of the first kathak dance drama in Sri Lanka named “Daskon – Pramila” in which she played the leading role. It was a thumping success and received many accolades from the exponents. Apart from being a dancer, she worked as a visiting lecturer of Kathak at the University of Visual and performing arts, Colombo and Kelaniya University. Anushka also was a news reader and a TV presenter at the national television of Sri Lanka for which she was awarded as the best news reader of the nation at the prestigious award ceremony “Rajya Sammana” for her eloquent appeal in news reading. She is currently settled in Japan and trying to impart her knowledge and skills of kathak to another generation while conserving her sacred art form.

Supriya Pal Dutta

Yumiko Ishii


Myself Supriya Pal Dutta, Currently living in Tokyo,Japan
I am based out of India, Westbengal. I am associated with professional Kathak dance for more than 15 years . My guru was Mr.Nani Gopal Pal who was a student of Guru Chitesh Das. Under his supervision I started my Kathak dance at six years of age. I belong to Kathak dance in Lucknow Gharana. I have obtained post-graduation certificate course in Kathak dance from Prayag Sangeet Samiti and also completed Rabindra Nritya Dance from Bangiya Sangeet Parisad , Westbengal with Gold medal. I have performed in various platform across India. I was associated in different school as a Dance Teacher (From 2012-18) in India. From 2020 I got opportunities to excel my Kathak career under guidance of international Kathak ambassador Guru Pali Chandra, Gurukul.

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• Nritya Prabhakar from Prayag Sangeet Samiti(2009-2010) in Kathak Dance (Awarded 3rd position with Silver medel)
• Sangeet Visharad from Prachin Kala Kendra in 2010
• Ratna Bharati of Kathak Nritya from Bharati Kala Kendra Lucknow in 2011
• Gold Medal in Tagore Dance Ratna award from Bangiya Sangeet Parishad, West Bengal in 2012
• Silver medal in Tagore Dance Prabor award From Bangiya Sangeet Parishad, WestBengal in 2013

MIYABI Dance Akademy of Kathak

Yumiko Ishii


Taro Terahara

寺原太郎 - バーンスリー

1992年より巨匠ハリ・プラサード・チョウラスィア師の弟子である中川博志氏に、1996年より巨匠ニキル・ベナルジー師の愛弟子H.アミット・ロイ氏に師事。2006年よりオーストラリアWoodford folk festivalに出演。2007年坂本龍一プロデュース「ロハス・クラシックコンサート」出演。映画「手塚治虫のブッダ 赤い砂漠よ永遠に」(2011)、映画「るろうに剣心」(2012、2014)、NHK朝ドラ「舞いあがれ!」(2022)等で挿入曲を演奏。第10回千葉市芸術文化新人賞奨励賞を受賞。インド、オーストラリア、南米、北米をはじめ国内外で演奏活動を行う。インド古典音楽の深い理解に基づく、叙情的かつダイ ナミックな演奏で、各方面より高い評価を受ける。    http://srgmtaro.jimdo.com/

Shiori Ishida

石田紫織 - タブラ
Anushka Nilanjani Ekanayake

タブラをPt.シュバンカル・ベナルジー、U-zhaanに師事。ラビンドラ・バラティ大学 器楽科パーカッション専攻 修士課程修了。インド古典音楽、インド舞踊の伴奏を中心に活動。 2002年よりタブラを学ぶためインドを往来、2007年シュバンカル師への弟子入りが叶い、傍に居住して修練を重ねる。2015年ICCRインド政府奨学生として留学、音楽理論や声楽も学ぶ。帰国後インドリズムサークル「タールマンダリー」を設立。 https://ishidashiori.com/music/

私のグルジ(師匠)パンディット シュバンカル・ベナルジー師も昨年逝去されました。当公演ではグルジへの追悼も兼ねて演奏をさせていただきます。 - 石田紫織 Pandit Subhankar Banerjee

Pandit Subhankar Banerjeeパンディット シュバンカル・ベナルジー 

きらびやかで多彩な演奏方法と見事な即興で、現代のインド古典音楽を牽引してきたタブラの巨匠。 4歳で音楽の才能を現し、25年間ファルカバード派のPt.Swapan Shivaに師事。Pt.Birju Maharaj,Pt.Hariprasad Chaurasia,Pt.Shivkumar Sharmaなど多くの巨匠音楽家やダンサーのお気に入り伴奏者の一人として活躍。絶え間なく世界中を飛び回り、華麗なパフォーマンスで人々を魅了してきた。世界各国の名高いコンサートでも高い評価を得ており、ハリウッド映画の音楽制作に参加、「TOP GRADE TABLA PLAYER」に最年少でランクイン、州の文化勲章「Sangeeth Maha Samman」を受賞等多くの功績を残した。 2021年8月25日、55歳で逝去。

Eyllie Yamamoto

山本英里 - ヴォーカル
Ricky Q Shiva

2007年北インド古典音楽との衝撃的な出会いから、北インド古典声楽カヤールを寺原太郎に師事。翌年よりインド・コルカタにてアグラ流派のUd.Jainul Abedinに師事。以降インド修業を重ねながら、主奏者または舞踊の伴奏者として活動。沖縄インド・フェスティバル「ハイサイ!インディア」、インド古典声楽基礎練習会「スヴァラ・マノーラス」を主宰。

